Learn How to Dance
If you want to learn how to dance you need to start now. First, you should get in some dance classes. There, they will teach you a lot of moves and you will learn some different styles. Like that you will find the best style for yourself and you can decide what kind of dance you feel more comfortable with. Later you will learn more moves and then, you can go to a club or maybe dance in some friend’s party. You can’t feel shy or be afraid to step in somebody’s feet. You can dance all night, practice is the best thing you can do. Nobody is born knowing how to dance, that kind of thing takes time, practice and dedication as everything else in your life. You always can invite your friends who know how to dance. Your friends can help you a lot and you can have a lot of fun together. If you do all these things you will learn how to dance easily and quickly, and maybe you can be the next star in “Dancing with the Stars”.