My Life in the Land of Uncle Sam

Location: Gainesville, Florida, United States

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Learn How to Dance

If you want to learn how to dance you need to start now. First, you should get in some dance classes. There, they will teach you a lot of moves and you will learn some different styles. Like that you will find the best style for yourself and you can decide what kind of dance you feel more comfortable with. Later you will learn more moves and then, you can go to a club or maybe dance in some friend’s party. You can’t feel shy or be afraid to step in somebody’s feet. You can dance all night, practice is the best thing you can do. Nobody is born knowing how to dance, that kind of thing takes time, practice and dedication as everything else in your life. You always can invite your friends who know how to dance. Your friends can help you a lot and you can have a lot of fun together. If you do all these things you will learn how to dance easily and quickly, and maybe you can be the next star in “Dancing with the Stars”.

Monday, February 05, 2007

5 Things that I can't live without.

My teacher asked us to write about 5 things that you couldn't live without and they are:

1) GOD, without God I am nobody, I am so thankful for everthing that he gave me.
2) LOVE, nobody could live without love. I really believe that even the worst person in the word loves somebody or something. Love is the most important thing in my life.I couldn't live without love and I do not mean just love from a guy to a girl, I mean love from your family, from your friends....
3) HOPE, I couldn't live without hope. Everybody needs to have hope: hope that you can be a better person, that you can get into college, that you can have a better job, that people would stop being so selfish and hope that one day we will have a better world.
4) Toothbrush, I couldn't live without my toothbrush and I can't imagine how other people would live next to me or to another person that doesn't have a fresh mouth. Nothing is worst than somebody with a bad breath.
5) Food and water, It is obvious that nobody could live without food or water, but still some kids survive withouth enought food or water. I think that we need to appreciate that we have enought and to admit that we are blessed.

To Marry or not to Marry.

I can’t decide whether or not you should get married, but I can tell you that marriage is not easy at all. It doesn’t matter if you are 18, 30, or 50 years old. Today, more and more people don’t believe in marriage and there are reasons for this.
I am sure that you shouldn’t get married if:
1) You’re not sure about your feelings for the other person
2) You don’t believe in marriage, but you want to make the other person happy (sooner or later, it’s going to make you unhappy).
3) You are not mature enough or not ready to take responsibility.
4) You just like the way the other person looks.
If you’re in love only with a person’s beauty, that’s a big mistake. A lot of marriages end because people don’t feel attracted to each other anymore. You need to love the person inside because no one is beautiful forever. Also, you can’t marry someone if you’re not ready to make decisions with another person. You can’t be selfish!
I think that everybody has their own point of view and there are a lot of people that are going to agree and disagree with me. But in marriage, nobody is right or wrong. You are the only person who can say if you are ready or not. If you really love somebody, and if you feel from the bottom of your heart that you should take a chance, then do it!